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Wind and temperature at Erjavčeva koča
Wind and temperature at Erjavčeva koča
Wind and temperature at Erjavčeva koča. Exact real-time weather information about wind and temperature for Erjavčeva koča and Vršič mountain pass near Kranjska Gora.
Wind and temperature at Erjavčeva koča
Live information about the weather (wind and temperature) conditions in Slovenia.
source link,28.86,450/loc=13.7489826,46.4390118
source link:,43.54,3600/loc=13.7489826,46.4390118
Wind and temperature at Erjavčeva koča
Almost one million people visit Slovenia’s mountains each year, which can give people a false sense of security. The most common causes of accidents are lack of physical fitness, being mentally unprepared, inadequate equipment, or lacking the skill and knowledge necessary for technical climbs.
Slovenians take precautions very seriously. Despite having some of the best climbers in the world, their best climbers are very humble and careful before heading off into the mountains. If the conditions aren’t safe, they know the mountain will be there tomorrow and will always be another day.
Following guidelines is essential, but before heading off alone, you can carefully research and read about your routes and options and ask locals about the local weather patterns.
Understanding the weather in the Slovenian Alps (thunderstorms in the summer, for example) and the terrain, you are travelling through (often over limestone rock, which gets very slippery and wet) is crucial to planning a safe adventure. Please keep in mind the change in temperatures. You could have a beautiful summer day down in the valley and then get hit by winter conditions on the mountain, so be sure to have the right equipment. Always look out for growing cloud formations, storm clouds, and changes in weather or temperature.
Find more weather information for Kranjska Gora, Bovec and Vršič pass here.
You can always check live cameras to get reliable and correct information about the weather and traffic on Vršič pass.
Gorenjska, or the Slovenian Alps as it is most commonly called in English, has a moderate Alpine climate with distinctive seasons that change quickly and noticeably.
Although the climate in the Slovenian Alps can be a little chilly at times, the summer months are pretty warm. From mid-June to August, the fine summer weather in the Slovenian Alps results in daytime averages between 20°C and 25°C. However, with some strong sunshine, temperatures can often rise higher.
The winter season in the Slovenian Alps tends to be quite long and stretches between November and April. Winter weather is cold, with freezing nights and heavy periods of snow. As soon as spring arrives, the climate quickly changes, the days become longer and the sunshine is more plentiful.
When to go – the best time to visit Slovenian Alps
The winter climate arrives early (mid-November), with heavy overnight frosts adding a noticeable crispness to the air, followed soon by spells of snowy weather. Spring is usually quite late, but by the middle of May (or sometimes late April), flowers bloom, and the trees quickly burst into life, with daytime temperatures staying above 10°C. The summer climate is a popular time to visit the Slovenian Alps. Autumns in the Slovenian Alps are short-lived since the winters can be extended.
What’s the best time to visit the Slovenian Alps in Slovenia? Here are some facts:
June, July, August, and September have pleasant average temperatures.
– July is the warmest month, with an average high of 23,8 °C and an average low of 10,5 °C.
– July is also the month with the most sunshine, with almost 9 hours per day.
– January is the coolest month, with an average high of 1,6 °C and an average low of -8,8 °C.
– October is the wettest month, with an average of 164 millimetres of precipitation.
– April, November and December are the most cloudy months, with an average of 11 mostly cloudy days.
– February is the driest month, with an average of 57 millimetres of precipitation.
– January is the month with the highest number of days with snow cover, which is 29 days.
– February has the most snowfall, with a little over 46 centimetres on average.
Accommodation in a mountain hut
Trips and Hikes around the hut
Your next destination in slovenia?
Erjavčeva mountain hut is open the whole year. Reserve your stay and spend some time in the natural paradise of Triglav National Park (UNESCO) near Kranjska Gora on Vršič mountain pass in the heart of Triglav National Park.
Reserve your staySouvenirs Online Shop
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