Last-minute cancellation
What if I cancel the stay?
We use third-party booking reservation services such as, Airbnb and others, and we need help seeing your payment details. For late booking cancellation, you can be charged random fees from third parties such as Pay Pal, Stripe, Bentral,, Airbnb or similar. We don’t have the power to control the transactions those companies charge, as explained in their Terms of Use services.
If you make a reservation on our website,, we can offer you different cancellation options. In the low season, we can find a new date; in the high season, we take the deposit of the reservation for last-minute cancellation.
However, the snow on the road is not the reason for the cancellation. The road can be “officially” closed but is cleaned and drivable. We can also provide you with a taxi by snowmobile if the road is closed.
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